Glossary beginning with M

Click one of the letters above to go to the page of all terms beginning with that letter.


Marriage Bar search for term

Rules which meant that married women could not work in particular jobs or occupations, such as teaching or secretarial work. Women who got married whilst in post were required to leave their posts. 

Maternity Leave search for term

Pay that women receive from their employer when they are off work after giving birth. Under UK law women are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave when they have a child. They are generally also entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay, but if they are not eligible for this because they have not worked at the same job for long enough, they may be able to claim Maternity Allowance (MA).

Maternity Pay search for term

Pay that women receive from their employer when they are off work after giving birth. Under UK law women are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave when they have a child. They are generally also entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay, but if they are not eligible for this because they have not worked at the same job for long enough, they may be able to claim Maternity Allowance (MA).

Membership Ballot search for term

A vote by members of a union, taken when deciding whether to strike or not.

Migrant Workers search for term

People working in a different country than the one they are from. It can also mean someone who migrates within a country in search of employment. 

Migration search for term

The movement of a person or people from one country or place to settle in another. This includes both emigration (people moving out of a county) and immigration (people moving into a country).

Minimum Wage search for term

The lowest rate that employers are legally able to pay workers, usually set at an hourly wage, which varies depending on the workers’ age and whether the worker is an apprentice. In 2014-15 the minimum wage rates in the UK were: £6.50 for workers aged 21 and over; £5.13 for those aged 18-20; £3.79 for those under 18 and £2.73 for an apprentice.

Minimum Wage Legislation search for term

Laws that guarantee that employers must pay their workers a minimum amount, usually set at an hourly rate. 

Multi National Companies (MNCs) search for term

A company or organisation working in several countries.